This blog explains what valet parking is, how it works, and why it offers a seamless and secure parking solution. Whether you are parking for the first time or own a business, this guide is for you.
UPark opens its sixth parking facility in Ortigas, but this time, we return with a facility that specially caters to motorcycles! We can’t wait to see you parking with us at Shell Meralco!
Parking with UPark isn’t just about finding a spot; it’s about finding peace of mind. Whether you’re commuting, exploring the city, or simply running errands, UPark ensures that your parking experience is stress-free and seamless. Because when you park with UPark, you’ve parked with the best.
Enjoy seamless parking services when you stop by at UPark’s newest vehicle oasis in Makati, the Cash & Carry parking facility.
Step #1. Secure a CDE or Comprehensive Driver’s Education Certificate. You can take this exam online via the LTM Portal or have it taken face-to-face at a select LTO Driver’s Education Center. You can find the center nearest to you by clicking on this link. You must get 13 or more out of 25 questions to pass the exam.
As a building owner, regardless of whether you own a hotel, hospital, condos, malls, or other establishments located in a very busy city, parking is an issue that can become an overwhelming nightmare overnight. And if your building cannot accommodate the necessary number of cars going in and out of your facility, your business becomes less of an option for your customers and more of a problem for you. Luckily, professional parking management companies exist to help control and streamline parking problems that arise from businesses that cannot afford to have parking lot issues.
The Philippine Government, particularly the Land Transportation Office (LTO), enforces strict illegal parking laws during driver’s license processing. Here’s a refresher on the illegal parking laws imposed by the LTO and why you should avoid them.
Car fires are one of the most dangerous and devastating hazards that can happen to anybody. There’s no single cause for such misfortunes but rather a combination of causes. That said, knowing how to prevent car fires is a crucial component to ensure your safety. Here are five car tips to help prevent your vehicle from catching fire.
In the previous blog, we underscored the pervasive issue of parking availability nationwide. Finding a parking spot can often feel like navigating a maze, from bustling city centers to suburban shopping complexes. This time, we delve deeper into the solutions offered by parking management companies, focusing specifically on how UPark exemplifies excellence in this field.
The complexity of parking area availability in the Philippines shines light on the importance of incorporating parking facilities in urban development.
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